Tuesday, March 12, 2013

2 month countdown til Gulf Coast 70.3

I'd be lying if I said that title didn't scare me. I started this journey in January and we're already two months in (and change) and I have exactly another two months til my first race of the year. Which also happens to be the longest race I'll have completed. 70.3 ... that's a lot of miles.

1.2 swimming 
56 biking
13.1 running

Here's how I'm feeling about each leg after the first stent of training.
Overall I think I'm feeling okay here. I usually am in the pool 2-3x per week for at least an hour or so at a time at Dynamo (unless the pool is closed in which case I fight for a lane at my  local LA Fitness). I haven't done longer than a 1000m consistent swim since my Olympic race last September. I have a feeling that's going to change sometime soon. The big terrifying factor for this is that the swim takes place in the Gulf of Mexico. Yeah that's right, I'll be shark bait ... and jelly fish bait and any other kind of bait that preys on swimmers in the ocean.

Also feeling OK here. I knocked out 30 miles the other day in just under 2hrs (avg just over 15mph). I'd like to see my average hit 17 or 18 by IMFL but for now, I'll take it. Slowly but surely, BAMA II and I are finally in sync. I enjoy my early morning, late afternoon and long weekends hanging out with her. It's my piece of mind time where I can cash out of work and life and just focus on the road and myself. Pure heaven. I'm sure I have some big distance rides here in the next few weeks so hopefully this loving relationship stays strong to get me through.

This is the part I struggle on. Every race I struggle here...it's my nemesis. Currently I'm only up to about 5 miles of consistent running. While my distance of actually run to walk ratio is improving, I still feel like I"m not getting any faster. AH said not to worry that we have a long road ahead and PLENTY of time so hopefully he's right. Just started using an AquaJogger today so I can get some 'running' in the pool in after swim practice to help with the joints in my knee and my IT band issues.

Hoping to pull through the next 8 weeks healthy, un-injured and ready for my first Half Ironman. Here's to hoping!