Monday, December 10, 2012

Meeting a Triathlete Legend

As the Crow Flies book cover

Friday night Mike and I headed up to All3Sports to meet Craig Alexander, 3X Ironman World Champion. He's been traveling around the US doing a book tour and lucky for us, made a stop in Atlanta. His book 'As the Crow Flies' is pretty neat. It's more of a coffee table kinda book with some killer pictures and some good stories and lessons of the tri life. Craig is the only triathlete in history to dominate the 70.3 AND Ironman World Championships in the same year (2011). Craig 'Crowie' splits his time between Boulder, CO and Sydney, AUS. He and his wife, Neri, have two children ...with one more on the way! Needless to say, he's a triathlete legend and very nice on the eyes!
with Craig Alexander
In conjunction with the book signing, All3Sports also had a silent auction going on to raise money for Camp Twin Lakes. There were some pretty cool things up for grabs, including some signed items by Crowie himself. Since I need to get some focused time in the pool with those who know best, I bid on the month of Masters classes at Dynamo Multisport. Coach Heat is going to be pretty pumped by this I'm guessing since one of his (ok our) number one goals is to get me to kick less in the pool! Well lucky me, I won! Looking forward to getting in the pool with some great swimmers/coaches to keep me on track for IMFL

signed custom Newton's by Crowie

Mike also bid on a pair of Newton shoes that were signed by Crowie and used for one of his many races. Thankfully the money we spent on these bad boys goes to charity or else I'd be questioning if my husband lost his mind! They are now beautifully displayed in our 'tri room'... right next to Mike's Ironman Florida and Ironman Louisville medals. They will serve as nice constant reminder of greatness while I get my cycling in on the trainer!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I must have been good this year because Santa popped down from his gig at the North Pole to bring me my new friend, BAMA II a little earlier than Christmas morning.

She's a real beauty! I picked BAMA II up at one of our local cycling shops, Atlanta Cycling, just after Thanksgiving. I lucked out that they still had a 2012 XS Trek Speed Concept 7.0 in stock! Being that I'm a solid 5'1, I luck out and ride the smallest TT bike Trek makes, a 48 (XS). Slowly but surely I'm getting used to being in aero--granted I've only been on the trainer. Hoping to take BAMA II out for a spin this weekend if the weather cooperates!

Oh, what's with the name you ask? I feel like my bike and I need to be on a first name basis since I'll be spending QUITE a bit of time with her. My first road bike, a Specialized Dolce, was named BAMA. She and I made it through training and my first 5 triathlons together. When racing, I always knew that if I could make it out of the swim and get to my bike, that BAMA and I were in good shape to finish the race (read: biking is my favorite part of the 3 sports and where I make up my ground!). I also find that if I'm at a low-spot during a race or training, I can talk to my bike to push me through...or just sing the ALABAMA fight song to her which always picks my mood (and cadence) up ...go ahead, call me crazy, but it works!!

The Journey Begins...

After meeting with my now coach...we'll call him AH...we'd formatted a plan for me to try to sign up for Ironman Florida (IMFL) online, the day after the 2012 race. We knew we were running a big risk since last year it sold out online pretty quick, but we had our fingers crossed (okay maybe mine were only slightly crossed) that I'd get in. Given my race history and need for a flat course, there were really only a few options for myself as a first time Ironman-er and IMFL would be the best of those options. So here's the facts...3,000 spots available for the 2013 Ford Ironman Florida. 2,000 of those spots were already taken by 2012 participants and volunteers leaving a mere 1,000 available for Online General Entry. Who knew it was so cut-throat to sign up for an Ironman.

Within 45 seconds, the race was sold more entries (not even for Ironman Foundation). But guess what.... I was one of those "lucky" 1,000 to get in.  I use "lucky" in a loose sense here. Seconds after the "You are confirmed" email hit my account...I cried. Not because I was happy and excited, but because I was scared out of my mind. Here are just a few of the thoughts swirling around my brain at that exact moment....

"What have I done?"
"I just paid $700 to torture myself...OH MY GOD"
"I could have bought new shoes and purse for that"

You see, amidst all the terror that took over my body, a moment of pride, elation and enthusiasm also prevailed. I get the chance, that a lot will not in 2013 or ever for that fact, to step up to that start line and push myself for a solid 140.6 miles. I will have to push myself both physically and mentally over the next 10.5 months, endure pain I've never experienced and lord knows a lot of time with just myself, BAMA II and the pool....all with the hopes to finish in under 17 hear "MELISSA MORRIS, YOU ARE AN IRONMAN" and to live in the ranks of the elite as an official finisher.

The journey officially begins January 3. Bring on the pain train, AH. I'm ready!

it's official

It always starts out as a good idea...and then you just pray that it stays that way thoughout the process. It's official. I'm signed up for Ironman Florida 2013.