Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Journey Begins...

After meeting with my now coach...we'll call him AH...we'd formatted a plan for me to try to sign up for Ironman Florida (IMFL) online, the day after the 2012 race. We knew we were running a big risk since last year it sold out online pretty quick, but we had our fingers crossed (okay maybe mine were only slightly crossed) that I'd get in. Given my race history and need for a flat course, there were really only a few options for myself as a first time Ironman-er and IMFL would be the best of those options. So here's the facts...3,000 spots available for the 2013 Ford Ironman Florida. 2,000 of those spots were already taken by 2012 participants and volunteers leaving a mere 1,000 available for Online General Entry. Who knew it was so cut-throat to sign up for an Ironman.

Within 45 seconds, the race was sold more entries (not even for Ironman Foundation). But guess what.... I was one of those "lucky" 1,000 to get in.  I use "lucky" in a loose sense here. Seconds after the "You are confirmed" email hit my account...I cried. Not because I was happy and excited, but because I was scared out of my mind. Here are just a few of the thoughts swirling around my brain at that exact moment....

"What have I done?"
"I just paid $700 to torture myself...OH MY GOD"
"I could have bought new shoes and purse for that"

You see, amidst all the terror that took over my body, a moment of pride, elation and enthusiasm also prevailed. I get the chance, that a lot will not in 2013 or ever for that fact, to step up to that start line and push myself for a solid 140.6 miles. I will have to push myself both physically and mentally over the next 10.5 months, endure pain I've never experienced and lord knows a lot of time with just myself, BAMA II and the pool....all with the hopes to finish in under 17 hear "MELISSA MORRIS, YOU ARE AN IRONMAN" and to live in the ranks of the elite as an official finisher.

The journey officially begins January 3. Bring on the pain train, AH. I'm ready!

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